& exchange
The seller is committed to delivering a product that is accurate and matches the product description provided on Please note that the image depicting the product on the website may not fully represent its actual appearance, and the buyer cannot raise a complaint solely based on this aspect.
In the event of a product malfunction, it is the buyer’s responsibility to report the issue within 4 (four) working days.
After reporting the malfunction, the buyer is required to return the defective product by post, accompanied by a delivery note. Upon receiving the returned item, the seller will promptly send a replacement product to the buyer within 3 (three) working days. It’s important to note that the replacement will be provided without any additional compensation.
In the aforementioned situation, the buyer does not have the right to request a refund; they are only entitled to a replacement product. The seller holds no responsibility for any damages or other obligations that fall within the purview of the delivery company, which is responsible for carrying out the product delivery.